Sundays fortnightly (1st and 3rd Sundays) at 9.30am.
On alternating weeks, worship happens on Friday nights around fish and chips.
We're a congregation of dedicated, faithful Christian community members from the Kyneton and surrounding area.
54 Ebden Street Kyneton 3444
PO Box 892 Kyneton 3444
Kyneton Uniting Church has an Op Shop (at 22 Market Street) in the centre of town which supports the community by providing inexpensive clothes and household goods, as well as a listening ear and a chat.
Further information and details can be found on the "Macedon Ranges OP Shops" page.
​join us for
Friday evening Fish 'n Chip Church
A service with a difference! We meet for worship around a meal. Each person brings something to eat (not necessarily fish 'n chips) and the service is held during, before or after the meal. We share and encourage each other in this informal setting of celebration and worship. The service is normally held on the 2nd and 4th Friday evenings* of each month from 6:30 pm and anyone is welcome to attend. See our Preaching Roster on the Events page for details of when the next Fish 'n Chip Church will be held.
* Please note that in some months due to the alternating arrangement with Sunday services, Friday night services are held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays.
Each year our Kyneton community, led by the churches come together to support families who are struggling at Christmas. For many years, the churches have operated the Toy Shop. Our Kyneton congregation joins with the Op Shops from Woodend and Kyneton, as well as people from the other churches of Kyneton in donating and volunteering in this amazing project.
In the lead up to Christmas, the Macedon Ranges Gift Shop will be running a gift card system enabling us to support both our local families and local businesses across the Macedon Ranges Shire.
Businesses who choose to get involved accept these cards for their products or services from 24 November 2022 and hold them until 31 January 2023, at which time they are reimbursed the total monetary value of all cards collected.
How to get involved: Email Danni Findlay at Expressions of Interest close Friday 11 November.