Riddells Creek
The Riddells Creek Uniting Church is known as the White Goose, a ministry hub with a focus on working with the community for the community. It has a strong relationship with the Neighbourhood House, and often plan initiatives together.
Its vision is to create a new way of being Church – to provide a space for people to gather, to relax, to chat, and to explore spirituality particularly with the availability of the labyrinth outside.
Initiatives such as storytelling, seed planting and a book swap create a space for people to come together. And it is often open just for people to drop in for a coffee and a chat.
storytelling & books
Wednesdays 9.30 – 1pm. Storytelling at 10 am.
Drop in, check out our growing library. Take a book, read the paper, have a chat or just some time out on your own. Coffee is available!

The Labyrinth
At the side of the White Goose (Riddells Creek Uniting Church) is a labyrinth. Anyone is welcome to walk the Labyrinth.
The Labyrinth
A Labyrinth is an interactive installation for spiritual
journeys. Labyrinths have along history in many
cultures and religions. In the Christian tradition, they
date from before the 12th Century.
A labyrinth is a meandering pathway that takes a
person on a symbolic journey, creating a space to
unwind, think and pray. The Labyrinth is not a "maze"
as there are no false paths or tricks to be overcome.
Instead we simply walk the path to the centre,
rest a little, take some time to meditate and pray
and walk the same way out again.
The Labyrinth is simply an aid to prayer.
People walk the labyrinth slowly, as an aid to contemplative prayer
and reflection, as a spiritual exercise or as a form of pilgrimage.
You may pause along the pathway to reflect, meditate and pray.
Labyrinths, because of their broader cultural connections are also
a gentle way to welcome people of all traditions who wish to
explore their spirituality and faith.
The Labyrinth is a path that mirrors our spiritual journey over a life-time,
or when facing a particular concern or challenge, or when, in the here
and now of today, we value this "tool" as a discipline of prayer over a
few minutes or as long as is desired. It is one way among many others
of attending to our journey with God, "getting down to earth" and
focusing on the centre of life.
Our Labyrinth is of a Cretan design and is built to be wheelchair friendly.It was built by volunteers from the Macedon Ranges Partnership of the Uniting Church using funding provided through the Simpson Bequest, a bequest administered by the Presbytery of Port Phillip West.
For link to various Labyrinth web sites for more information about Labyrinths, go to our Resources page.
Walking the Labyrinth
Pause outside the Labyrinth. Prayerfully commit yourself to the experience
and to be open to what comes or even to "nothing much" seeming to
happen except taking a time of quiet walking meditation. -
Some choose to consciously put aside the day's business while others
decide to take what is on their mind into the walk so that some sifting and
discerning may occur. -
Usually it is helpful to walk quite slowly and at an even pace paying some
attention to the twists and turns of the path. If you meet another person,
share responsibility to silently move past each other. Leave a little space
for the person in front. -
When you get to the central area, pause. You might like to pray, do a breath
meditation, or simply be still in God's presence
Come and walk the labyrinth
Feel free to walk the Labyrinth when it suits you.

Carols by Candlelight
Each year we host a Carols by Candlelight event in association with the local Anglican Church. It is always a special night down by the Riddells Creek duck pond usually on the Saturday night before Christmas.